This articles gives you the complete information and details of the IASE Syllabus for Distance Education Course in BA Political Science. Now you can do BA Political Science by Distance Learning through the Deemed University IASE in Rajasthan.
Distance Education IASE Syllabus BA Political Science
Two Papers Max. Marks – 200 Min. Pass Marks - 72
Paper – I Duration 3 Hours 100 Marks
Paper – II Duration 3 Hours 100 Marks
BAG 109
Max. Marks: 100 Duration : 3 hrs. Min. Marks. : 36
UNIT – I (Introduction)
Nature and Scope; Traditional and Contemporary Perspective of Political Science; Inter-disciplinary Approach to the study of Political science; Relation of Political Science with other Social Sciences (Economics, History, Geography and Psychology).
UNIT – II (Approaches and Concepts)
Behaviouralism; System approach; Functional approach — Power, Authority, Legitimacy; Political System; Political Development; Political Modernization.
UNIT – III (Democracy and Dictatorship)
Introduction; Political Parties and Pressure groups; Theories of representation; Rule of Law and Constitutionalism.
UNIT – IV (Government)
Organs of Government and their functions (with reference to recent trends)
UNIT – V (Political obligation and Theories of State Action)
Idealism; Individualism; Evolutionary socialism — Fabianism and democratic socialism; Marxism; Fascism; Gandhism.
Recommended Books :
1. A. Ashirvadam : Principles of Political Science
2. J.S.Bakes & R.B. Jain : Political Science in Transition
3. R.C.Vermani : Political Theory
4. J.C. Johari : Principles of Political Science
5. H.J. Laski : Grammar of Politics
6. L.S.Rathore : In defense of Political theory
7. Tripti Jain : Fundamentals in Political Science
8. A. Appadorai : substance of Politics
9. R.G. Gettell : Introduction to Political Science
BAG 110
Max. Marks: 100 Duration : 3 hrs. Min. Marks. : 36
UNIT – I (Ancient Political thinkers)
Manu- Varnadharma and Dandaneeti; Kautilya- theory of kingship, a moral state craft, mandal theory; Shukra.
UNIT – II (Reformist Thinkers)
Raja Ram Mohan Roy; Swami Dayanand Saraswati; Swami Vivekanand.
UNIT — III (Modern Thinkers)
Gopal Krishan Gokale; Bal Gangadhar Tilak; Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi- Ahimsa, satyagrah, Swaraj, Village democracy, trusteeship.
UNIT — IV (Radical Thinkers)
Sri Aurobindo Ghosh; Savarkar.
UNIT – V (Contemporary)
Jawaharlal Nehru- democratic socialism; Bhim Rao Ambedkar- Annihilation of caste; M.N.Roy- Radical humanism, Jai Prakash Narain- theory of total revolution.
1. R.S. Sharma : Political Ideas in Ancient India
2. Chandradev Prasad : Political Ideas
3. A.R.Desai : Social Background of Indian Nationalism
4. Appadorai : Indian Political Thinking
5. M.A. Buch : Rise & Growth of Indian Liberalism
6. L.P.Sinha : Left in Indian Politics
7. K.P.Karunakaran : Continuity and Change in Indian Politics
8. c. Bharill : Social and Political Ideas of B.R.Ambedkar
9. V.P.Verma : Indian Political Thought Vol. I & II
10. D.B. Mathur : Gokhale : A Political Biography
11. Virendra Grover : Bal Gangadhar Tilak
12. N.C.bandyopadhyaya : Hindu Politics
Two Papers Max. Marks – 200 Min. Pass Marks - 72
Paper – I Duration 3 Hours 100 Marks
Paper – II Duration 3 Hours 100 Marks
BAG 209
Max. Marks: 100 Duration : 3 hrs. Min. Marks. : 36
(Students will be expected to study the salient aspect of the political system of the following countries with analytical and comparative perspective.)
UNIT - I (Government of the U.K)
Salient features of the British Constitution the King and Crown; Reasons for the survival of Monarchy in Britain; The British Cabinet; The Prime Minister the doctrine of Prime Ministerial Government; The British Parliament; The speaker- Powers and functions and comparison with the American Speaker; The committee system; The process of Law making; The Rule of Law; Major Political Parties in Britain.
Unit - II (Government of the U.S.A. )
Main characteristics of the U.S. Constitutional System; American Federalism; The President; The American Congress; The Speaker – his powers and functions; The American Committee System; Legislative Process in the Congress; The Supreme Court – composition and powers – Judicial Review; American Party System – Major Political Parties; Increasing rule of Pressure groups in U.S.A.
UNIT – III ( Political System of Switzerland )
Salient Features of the Swiss Constitution; Federal Assembly and Federal Council; direct Democracy.
UNIT – IV ( Government of France )
Salient Features of Constitution of the fifth Republic of France; Fundamental Rights; French Executive; The President; Prime Minister and the council of Minister; the French Parliament; The Judiciary; Party system; Bureaucracy and Administrative law.
UNIT – V (The Government and People’s Republic of China )
The Chinese Revolution; Important features of the present constitution of China State Structure; The National People’s Congress - its composition and powers; The State Council – its composition and powers; The Judiciary; The Communist Part of China – its organization – its role in the Government; Deng Xiaping and Huchin Tav – Liberalisation Policies of China; Market Socialism of China; China’s attempts to become a Industrial Giant in Asia.
Recommended Books :
1. Maurice Durverger : Political Party : their Organisation and activity in the Modern State
2. Machkentosh : Cabinet Government
3. V. Bhagwan : World Constitutions
4. J.C. Johari : Comparative Governments
5. R.C.Agarwal : World Constitution
6. Charles A. Beared : American Government and Politics
7. Ramsay Muir : How Britain is Governed
8. Wheare – K.C. : Federal Constitution
9. Barringto, Moore : Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy
10. Banerjee S. : The Chinese Government and Politics
11. S.E. Finer : Theory & Practice of Modern Government
12. Dorothy Pickles : The Fifth French Republic
BAG 210
Max. Marks: 100 Duration : 3 hrs. Min. Marks. : 36
UNIT – I (Introduction)
Evolution of Constitution — Nationalist movement and philosophical foundations; A comparative perspective of Indian constitution with the Constitutions of UK, USA and Switzerland .
UNIT – II (Nature of The Constitution)
Main Features of the Indian Constitution: Parliamentary Democracy, Secularism, Socialism and Federalism; Fundamental Rights and Duties; Directive Principles of State Policy.
UNIT – III (Union Government)
President; Prime Minister and Council of Ministers; Parliament; Supreme Court and Judicial Review; Emergency Provisions.
UNIT – IV (State Government, Election and Political Parties)
Chief Minister; Office of the Governor; Working of parliamentary system in India-Role of leadership coalition government; political parties; Election Commission; Electoral politics; Electoral reforms in India.
UNIT – V (Major Issues of Concern)
Major problems facing Indian political system — Regionalism, communalism, National Integration; Politics of reservation; Role of caste in Indian Politics; Special status of certain states and its implication.
1. Glend, Alen : Fundamental Rights in India
2. Kodesia : The Problem of National Integration
3. Kothari, Rajni : (Ed.) Party System and Election Studies
4. Kothari, Rajni : Politics in India
5. Morris Jones : W.H. The government and Politics in India .
6. Palmer N.D. : The Indian Political System
7. Alexandrawicz, : Constitutional Government in India Charles Henry
8. a. Granville : The Indian Constitution Vornerstone of a Nation
9. A. Granville : Problem of National Integration
10. Desai, A.R. (Ed.) : Peasant Struggle
11. Singhvi, L.M. : Union-State relation in India .
12. Weiner, Mynor : State Politics in India
13. Johari J.C. : Indian Political System (English & Hindi)
14. Pylee, M.V. : Constitutional Government in India .
15. Ray, A. : Tension Areas in Indian Federal System.
16. Smith, D.S. : Indian as a Secular State
Two papers Min. Pass Marks – 72 Max. Marks 200
Paper – I Duration 3 Hours Max.Marks : 100
Paper – II Duration 3 Hours Max.Marks : 100
General Instruction:
Each paper will contain ten questions having two questions from each unit. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all, selecting atleast one question from each unit.
Representative Western Political Thinkers
BAG 309
Max. Marks: 100 Duration : 3 hrs. Min. Marks. : 36
UNIT – I (Greek Political Thinkers)
Plato’s Republic — Ideal State , Education and Communism, Justice; Aristotle’s Politics — Classification of Governments, The Best Practicable State, Causes of Revolution.
UNIT – II (Medieval Political Thinkers)
St. Thomas Aquinas — Church, State and Law; Machiavelli — State Sovereignty, Power Politics, Separation of Ethics and Politics.
UNIT – III (Modern Political Thinkers — I)
Thomas Hobbes — State of Nature, Social Contract, of Sovereignty of the Leviathan; John Locke — Sate of Nature, Social Contract, Natural Rights, The Idea of Limited Government;
UNIT – IV (Modern Political Thinkers — II)
J.J. Rousseau — State of Nature, Social Contract, General Will.
UNIT – V (Contemporary Political Thinkers)
Bentham — Utilitarianism, Political and Legal Reforms; J.S. Mill — On Liberty, Representative Government, Women’s Rights; Karl Marx — Dialectical Materialism, Class Struggle, Proletarian Revolution, Historical Materialism.
Recommended Books :
1. W. Dunning : A History of Pol. Theories
2. J.P.Suda : History Pol. Thought Vol. I & II
3. R.P.Sharma : Western Pol. Thought
4. R.K.Mishra : Plato and Aristotle
4. M.B.Foster : Masters of Pol. Thought Vol. I
5. W.T.Jones : Masters of Pol. Thought Vol. II
BAG 310
Max. Marks: 100 Duration : 3 hrs. Min. Marks. :36
General Instruction:
Each paper will contain ten questions having two questions from each unit. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all, selecting atleast one question from each unit.
UNIT – I (United Nations)
The League of Nations and its foundation; Working and a critical evaluation.
UNIT – II (Cold War)
Factors and forces of cold war; Decolonisation and the emergence of new states in Asia and Africa ; Non alignment — Meaning, and its impact on World Politics.
UNIT – III (Foreign Policies of Some Important Countries)
UNIT – IV (India ’s foreign policy)
Main features; Relations specially with neighbouring countries and Israel .
UNIT – V (Miscellaneous)
Arab-Israel relations; Disarmament; New Economic and Political trends in Europe; South-South dialogue; North South dialogue and the New Internal Economic Order; South Asian Association of Regional/Cooperation (SAARC); Emerging trends in International Politics.
Books Recommended-
1. F.S.Northedge (ed.): Foreign Policies of the Powers
2. V.P. Dutt: India ’s Foreign Policy
3. Anam Jaitely : International Politics : Trends and Issues.
4. Mahendra Kumar : International Politics.
5. Friedman : Introduction to World Politics.
6. R.A. Scalapino (ed.): Foreign Policy of Modern Japan .