Showing posts with label IASE MA English syllabus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IASE MA English syllabus. Show all posts

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Complete Syllabus of IASE University Distance Learning MA English Course

Complete Syllabus of IASE University Distance Learning MA English Course

MAE-Y 110
Paper I
Elementary Linguistics and Modern English Usage
Unit 1
Forms of Communication and Language; Salient Features of Language
Phonetics and Phonology [Branches of Phonetics, IPA symbols, organs of speech]      25
Phonemes, allophones, vowels, diphthongs, consonants, consonant clusters

Unit 2

Morphology [morphemes, allomorphs, affixes, inflections, derivation
Word formation,                                                                                                           20
Compounds, clipping, blend, acronym, phrases, idioms

Basic sentence structure and its constituents;                                                                 20
[N.P., Determiner, modification, sentence patterns, clause types.]
Word-stress and prosody [foot, metre, major metrical forms,i.e., iamb, anapest, dactyl etc], Figures of speech.
Unit 4                                                                                                                              15
Practical literary appreciation [writing complete appreciation of an unseen poem or a prose passage]
Unit 5                                                                                                                            20
Essay writing on a general or literary/artistic topic
Recommended Readings
C.F.Hockett : A Course in Modern Linguistics
Sharad Rajimwale   ; Elements of General Linguistics , Rama Brothers, New Delhi
A.CGimson ; Introduction to English Pronunciation, ELBS, London
Sharad Rajimwale : Introduction to English Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology,
Rawal Publication Jaipur, 1997
Cleanlh Brooks and R..P. Warren : Fundamentals of Good Writing

MAE-Y 120
Paper II                                                                                          Full Marks 100
English Drama from Shakespeare to Congreve
Christopher Marlowe   :           Dr. Faustus
William Shakespeare               :           Hamlet, Macbeth, The Tempest
Ben Jonson                              :           Volpone
John Webster               :           The Duchess of Malfi
Sheridan                                  :           School for Scandal
Congreve                                 :           Way of the World
Unit l
Passages for explanation with reference to the context from all the texts
Unit 2
Dr. Faustus, Hamlet, The Tempest
Unit 3
Macbeth, Volpone, The Duchess of Malfi
School for Scandal, Way of the World.
Unit 5
One question with internal choice on the literary, and socio-cultural background of the genre.
Books Recommended
R.C.Sharma , Themes and Conventions in the Comedy of Manners, Asia Publishing
House, Deli, 1965
G.Wilson Knight : The Shakespearean Tempest

MAE-Y 130
Paper III                   English Poetry ; Chaucer to Pope
[All questions carry equal marks]

Unit l Passages for explanation with reference to the context from the prescribed texts
Unit 2
Geoffrey Chaucer: The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales Sir Thomas Wyatt : ' 1 find no peace'
Spenser                        : The Fairy Queene, Book I
Michael Drayton          : Love's Farewell
Shakespeare     : A Madrgal, ' To me fair friend, you never can be old', 'Shall I compare
thee to a summer's day ?', 'When in disgrace with fortune'.
Unit 3
John Donne : 'The good morrow', 'At the round earth's imagined corners', The
Cannonization',A Valediction forbidding mourning',, A lecture upon the shadow'.
Henry Vaughan ; 'The Retreat',
Andrew Maevell : Thoughts in A Garden
John Milton   : Paradise Lost , Book I
Thomas Carevv   : The True Beauty',
Robert Herrick   ; 'Counsel to Girls'
Abraham Cowley   : 'A Supplication'

Unit 4
John Dryden   : Mac Flecknoe
Thomas Gray   : Elegy Written in the Country Churchyard
Alexander Pope : Rape of the Lock
Cowper   : Poplar Felled
Collins    : To Evening
One question with internal choice on the socio-cultural and literary background and genre

MAY 140
Paper IV
Literary Criticism and Theories
Aristotle's Poetics Bharat's Natyashastra
Unit 2
John Dryden: An Essay on Dramatic Poesy Samuel Johnson: Preface to Shakespeare
Unit 3
S.T.Coleridge : Biographia Literaria , Chapter XIV and XV11
William Wordsworth : Preface to Lyrical Ballads
Matthew Arnold: The Study of Poetry

Unit 4
T.S.Eliot     : Tradition and the Individual Talent
Elaine Showalter; Towards a Feminist Poetics Edward Said   : Introduction to Orientalism
Unit 5
Modern Critical Trends: New Criticism. Marxism, Psychoanalysis, Structuralism. Post-colonialism, Postmodernism. Feminism.
Recommended Readings
1 .Aristotle 's Theory of Poetics and Fine Arts, Tr. H.SButcher
2. English Critical Texts , DJ.Enright and E.D.Chickers [eds.] , Oxford University Press.
3.Literary Critics ; George Wtson, Penguin Books
4  Contemporary Criticism: An Anthology: [ed] V.S.Seturaman
5  Sharad Rajimwale: Contemporary Literary Criticism , Rama Brothers, New Deli, 2007
6  Bijay Kr. Das: Twentieth Century Criticism, Atlantic Publishers, New Delhi, 2004

MAE-Y 210
Paper I             
Modem Drama
[All questions carry equal marks]
Henrik Ibsen : Doll's House
G.B. Shaw      ;            Devil's Disciple
Samuel Beckett   :   Waiting for Godot
William Synge : Playboy of the Western World
T.S.Eliot   : Murder in the Cathedral
Harold Pinter : The Birthday Party
John Osborne : Look Back in Anger
Arthur Miller : AH My Sons
Bertoid Brecht :: Galileo

Unit 1

Explanation with reference to the context of the passages selected from the essays

Unit 2

Doll's House, Devil's Disciple. Waiting for Godot


Playboy of the Western World , Murder in the Cathedral, The Birthday Party

Unit 4
Look Back in Anger; All My Sons; Galileo
Unit 5
One question with internal choice on socio-cultural and literary background of the genre.
Recommended Readings
Marjorie Boulton : Anatomy of Drama
Brooks and Warren : Understanding Drama                                                      

MAE-Y 220
Paper II
Unit 1
Daniel Defoe : Moil Flanders
Jane Austen :   Emma
Henry Fielding : Joseph Andrews
Unit 2
Charles Dickens : Great Expectations Thomas Hardy :    Return of the Native George Eliot      ;   Mill on the Floss
Unit  3
Graham Greene : The Power and the Glory Henry James : The Portrait of A Lady D.H.Lawrence   :   Sons and Lovers
Unit 4
Alice Walker : The Color Purple Iris Murdoch : The Severed Head Aldous Huxley : Howard's End
Unit 5

One question with internal choice on the socio-cullural and literary background of the genre

Recommended Reading
E.M.Forster : Aspects of the Novel Percy
Lubbock : The Craft of Fiction
Edwin Muir : The Structure of the Novel
J.B.Priestley : Literature and the Western Man

MAE-Y 230
Paper III

Poetry : From Romanticism to Modern Times

Unit l
Passages foe explanation with reference to the context from the texts
Unit 2
William Wordsworth   :   'It is a beauteous evening'; 'Ode on the Intimations of
Immortality' ;' The French Revolution' ; 'Nature and the Poet' ; ' The Afflictions of
Margaret' ; To the Skylark' ; The Inner Vision' .
P.B.Shelley   : To Skylark' ; 'Ode to the Westwind' ; 'Love's Philosophy' ; The Poet's
Dream' ; 'Ozymandias' ; The Flight of Love'.
John Keats    :   'Ode to a Nightingale' ; 'Ode to Autumn' ; The Human Seasons' ; The
Realm of Fancy'.
Unit 3
Alfred Lord Tennyson   :   'Ulysses' ; The Lotus Eaters' ; 'Now Sleeps the Crimson
Petal' ; The Eagle'.
Robert Browning :   ' The Last Ride Together' : ' My Last Duchess' ;' Confessions' ;
The Flower's Name'.
Matthew Arnold   : 'Dover Beach ;'The Last Word'  ; To Marguerite'.
Unit 4
G.M.Hopkins : ' The Windhover'  ; 'Pied Beauty' ; 'God's Grandeur'.
W.B.Yeats : 'Sailing to Byzantium' : 'The Second Coming' ; The Wild Swans at
Coole' .
T.S.EHot   : The Wasteland; 'Lovesong of J.Alfred Prufrock'.
W.H.Auden : Warm are the still and lovely miles ; ' Lay your sleeping head, my love';
'September 1939'
Sylvia Plath : 'Cut' ; You're' ; 'Edge' [ from Ariel ].
Unit 5
One question with internal choice on the socio-cultural and literary background of the genre.
 Recommended Readings
M.H.Abrams : The English Romantics
Graham Hough : The Romantic Poets
Boris Ford [General Editor]: Pelican Guide to English Literature, Vol. 5 From Blake to
G.S Frazer   ; The Modern Writer and His World, Penguin Books, London . 1965
Shiv K. Kumar   : British Victorian Literature. Atlantic Publishers, New Delhi. 2004

MAE-Y 240-1
Paper IV [A]
Indian English Literature

Unit l

Passages for explanation with reference to the context from unit 2 only
Unit 2
Rabindranath Tagore : Following selected verses from Geetanjali
Sarojini Naidu : ' To My Fairy Fancies' ; 'If You Call Me' ; 'The Pardah Nasheen ' ;
'The Soul's Prayer' ; 'Summer Woods' : 'Palanquin Bearers'.
Nissim Ezekiel : : Enterprise' ; 'The Visitor' ; 'Marriage' ; 'The Night of Scorpion1.
A.K.Ramanujan : 'A River' ; 'The Striders' ; 'Self-portrait'.
KamalaDas : ' An Introduction' ; 'in Love' ; 'Dance of Eunuchs'; The Fancy Dress

Unit 3
Muik Raj Anand   : The Coolie R.K.Narayan : The Guide Anita Desai   :  The Fire on the Mountain Attia Ffosain : Sunlight on a Broken Column
Unit 4
Mahesh Dattani   : Tara Girsh Karnad : Tughlaq
Unit 5
General question with internal choice on the historical and social background of the
Recommended Readings
K.R.Srinivas lyengar   : Indian Writing in English, Asia Publishing House, Bombay,
David Me Cutchion    : Critical Essays on Indian Writing in English, Writer's Workshop,
Calcutta, 1969
M.K.Naik Jed]   : Perspective on Indian Poetry in English, Abhinav Publications, 1984
M.K.Naik [ed]         : Critical Essays on Indian Writing in English, 177

MAE-Y 240-2
Paper IV [B]
Post-Colonial Literature
Unit l
V.S.Naipaul :A Bend in the River Chinua Achebe    : Things Fall Apart Amitav Ghosh   :The Shadow Lines Salman Rushdie   : Shame
Unit 2
Wole Soyinka    : A Dance of the Forests Derek Walcott    : Henric Christophe Mahesh Dattani      : The Final Solutions
Unit 3
Derek Walcott    : 'Names'  ; 'A far cry from Africa'  ; The Sea is History'
Edward Brathwaite " 'Wings of a Dove ' ; 'Colombe'
KekiN.Daruwala     : The Ghagra in Spate ; Death of A Bird ; 'Rumination'
Unit 4
Edward Said    : 'Introduction' to Orietalism
Aijaz Ahmed    : ' The Politics of Literary Postcoloniality'
Homi Bhabha     :   The Other Question'
Arundhati Roy    : ' Confronting Empire*
Recommended Readings
William Walsh   : Commonwealth Literature, Oxford University Press.
Charles B Larsen     : The Emergence of African Fiction, Indian University Press, London
Padrnini Mcmgia    : Contemporary Post-colonial Theory , A Reader. OUP. New Delhi,
Ania Loomba   : Colonialism/Postcolonialism, The New Critical Idiom, London. 2001
Unit 5
General question with internal choice on the historical, Soeio-cultural background of the genre.

MAE-Y 240-2
Paper IV [C]
American Literature Unit 1
Passages for Explanation with reference to the context from poems and plays only
Unit 2
Wait Whitman    :  'Song of Myself , sections 1-15 ; 'When lilacs last in the churchyard
Robert Frost   ; ' The Runaway '; The Road not Taken' ; 'Reluctance' ; 'Fire and Ice ' ;
'Stopping by the Woods on A Snowy Evening'.
Emily Dickinson   : '1 heard a fly buzz when f died' ; The soul selects her own society' ;
The last night that she lived ' ; 'A narrow fellow in the grass' ; 'Hope is a thing with
feathers1 ; To my quick ears the leaves conferred'.
Archibald Mac Leish   : ' Ars Poetica;'   : 'You, Andrew Marvel T
Ezra Pound  : ' Canto XIIP

Unit 3
"Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter Mark Twain   : Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Stories
Hemingway : The Two-hearted River Henry James   : Daisy Miller    ' James Baldwin   : The Rock pile F. Scott-Fitzgerald   : Winter Dream Unit 4 Plays
Arthur Miller ; Death of A Salesman Edward Albee   ; Who Is Afraid of Virginia Woolf Tennessee Williams    ; The Glass Menagerie
Unit 5
General question with internal choice on the social, cultural and literary background of the genre.

MAE-Y 240-2
Paper IV[D]
Women's Writing
Unit 1
Explanation with reference to the context on the passages selected from the prescribed books
Unit 2
Emily Bronte ; "Love and Friendship,' ; 'Remembrance'.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning   : Aurora Leigh Book 11
KamlaDas : 'In Love' ; 'An Introduction'
Imtiaz Dharkar : 'Purdah I, IF; 'Prayer'
Unit 3
Elizabeth Gaskell : Mary Barton Kamala Markandeya : Nectar in A Sieve Bapsi Sidhwa ; Ice Candy Man Arundhati Roy : The God of Small Things
Unit 4
Non-Fictional Prose
Elaine Showalter; 'Towards A Feminist Poetics'
Toril Moi  : 'Feminist Literary Criticism '
Virginia Woolf ; A Room of Her Own
Unit 5
One question with internal choice on the social and cultural background of the genre.
Recommended Readings
R. Selden , A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory. Harvester-wheatsheaf,
Hertfordshire, 1989
Sushila Singh, Feminism: Theory, Criticism , Analysis, Pencraft International, Delhi,
Sharad Rajimwale, Contemporary Literary Criticism, Rama Brothers. New Delhi 2006
Shared Rajimwale, A Handbook of Literary Terms, Concepts and Movements, Sarup and
Sons. New Deli 2005
Bijay KR. Das , Twentieth Century Criticism, Atlantic Publishers, New Delhi, 2004

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