Complete Syllabus of IASE University Distance Learning MA English Course
MAE-Y 110
Paper I
Elementary Linguistics and Modern English Usage
Unit 1
Forms of Communication and Language; Salient Features of Language
Phonetics and Phonology [Branches of Phonetics, IPA symbols, organs of speech] 25
Phonemes, allophones, vowels, diphthongs, consonants, consonant clusters
Unit 2
Morphology [morphemes, allomorphs, affixes, inflections, derivation
Word formation, 20
Compounds, clipping, blend, acronym, phrases, idioms
Basic sentence structure and its constituents; 20
[N.P., Determiner, modification, sentence patterns, clause types.]
Word-stress and prosody [foot, metre, major metrical forms,i.e., iamb, anapest, dactyl etc], Figures of speech.
Unit 4 15
Practical literary appreciation [writing complete appreciation of an unseen poem or a prose passage]
Unit 5 20
Essay writing on a general or literary/artistic topic
Recommended Readings
C.F.Hockett : A Course in Modern Linguistics
Sharad Rajimwale ; Elements of General Linguistics , Rama Brothers, New Delhi
A.CGimson ; Introduction to English Pronunciation, ELBS, London
Sharad Rajimwale : Introduction to English Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology,
Rawal Publication Jaipur, 1997
MAE-Y 120
Paper II Full Marks 100
English Drama from Shakespeare to Congreve
Christopher Marlowe : Dr. Faustus
William Shakespeare : Hamlet, Macbeth, The Tempest
Ben Jonson : Volpone
John Webster : The Duchess of Malfi
Congreve : Way of the World
Unit l
Passages for explanation with reference to the context from all the texts
Unit 2
Dr. Faustus, Hamlet, The Tempest
Unit 3
Macbeth, Volpone, The Duchess of Malfi
School for Scandal, Way of the World.
Unit 5
One question with internal choice on the literary, and socio-cultural background of the genre.
Books Recommended
R.C.Sharma , Themes and Conventions in the Comedy of Manners, Asia Publishing
House, Deli, 1965
G.Wilson Knight : The Shakespearean Tempest
MAE-Y 130
Paper III English Poetry ; Chaucer to Pope
[All questions carry equal marks]
Unit l Passages for explanation with reference to the context from the prescribed texts
Unit 2
Geoffrey Chaucer: The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales Sir Thomas Wyatt : ' 1 find no peace'
Spenser : The Fairy Queene, Book I
Michael Drayton : Love's Farewell
Shakespeare : A Madrgal, ' To me fair friend, you never can be old', 'Shall I compare
thee to a summer's day ?', 'When in disgrace with fortune'.
Unit 3
John Donne : 'The good morrow', 'At the round earth's imagined corners', The
Cannonization',A Valediction forbidding mourning',, A lecture upon the shadow'.
Henry Vaughan ; 'The Retreat',
Andrew Maevell : Thoughts in A Garden
John Milton : Paradise Lost , Book I
Thomas Carevv : The True Beauty',
Robert Herrick ; 'Counsel to Girls'
Abraham Cowley : 'A Supplication'
Unit 4
John Dryden : Mac Flecknoe
Thomas Gray : Elegy Written in the Country Churchyard
Alexander Pope : Rape of the Lock
Cowper : Poplar Felled
Collins : To Evening
One question with internal choice on the socio-cultural and literary background and genre
MAY 140
Paper IV
Literary Criticism and Theories
Aristotle's Poetics Bharat's Natyashastra
Unit 2
John Dryden: An Essay on Dramatic Poesy Samuel Johnson: Preface to Shakespeare
Unit 3
S.T.Coleridge : Biographia Literaria , Chapter XIV and XV11
William Wordsworth : Preface to Lyrical Ballads
Matthew Arnold: The Study of Poetry
Unit 4
T.S.Eliot : Tradition and the Individual Talent
Elaine Showalter; Towards a Feminist Poetics Edward Said : Introduction to Orientalism
Unit 5
Modern Critical Trends: New Criticism. Marxism, Psychoanalysis, Structuralism. Post-colonialism, Postmodernism. Feminism.
Recommended Readings
1 .Aristotle 's Theory of Poetics and Fine Arts, Tr. H.SButcher
2. English Critical Texts , DJ.Enright and E.D.Chickers [eds.] , Oxford University Press.
3.Literary Critics ; George Wtson, Penguin Books
4 Contemporary Criticism: An Anthology: [ed] V.S.Seturaman
5 Sharad Rajimwale: Contemporary Literary Criticism , Rama Brothers, New Deli, 2007
6 Bijay Kr. Das: Twentieth Century Criticism, Atlantic Publishers, New Delhi , 2004
MAE-Y 210
Paper I
Modem Drama
[All questions carry equal marks]
Henrik Ibsen : Doll's House
G.B. Shaw ; Devil's Disciple
Samuel Beckett : Waiting for Godot
William Synge : Playboy of the Western World
T.S.Eliot : Murder in the Cathedral
Harold Pinter : The Birthday Party
John Osborne : Look Back in Anger
Arthur Miller : AH My Sons
Bertoid Brecht :: Galileo
Unit 1
Explanation with reference to the context of the passages selected from the essays
Unit 2
Doll's House, Devil's Disciple. Waiting for Godot
Playboy of the Western World , Murder in the Cathedral, The Birthday Party
Unit 4
Look Back in Anger; All My Sons; Galileo
Unit 5
One question with internal choice on socio-cultural and literary background of the genre.
Recommended Readings
Marjorie Boulton : Anatomy of Drama
Brooks and Warren : Understanding Drama
MAE-Y 220
Paper II
Unit 1
Daniel Defoe : Moil Flanders
Jane Austen : Emma
Henry Fielding : Joseph Andrews
Unit 2
Charles Dickens : Great Expectations Thomas Hardy : Return of the Native George Eliot ; Mill on the Floss
Unit 3
Graham Greene : The Power and the Glory Henry James : The Portrait of A Lady D.H.Lawrence : Sons and Lovers
Unit 4
Alice Walker : The Color Purple Iris Murdoch : The Severed Head Aldous Huxley : Howard's End
Unit 5
One question with internal choice on the socio-cullural and literary background of the genre
Recommended Reading
E.M.Forster : Aspects of the Novel Percy
Edwin Muir : The Structure of the Novel
J.B.Priestley : Literature and the Western Man
MAE-Y 230
Paper III
Poetry : From Romanticism to Modern Times
Unit l
Passages foe explanation with reference to the context from the texts
Unit 2
William Wordsworth : 'It is a beauteous evening'; 'Ode on the Intimations of
Immortality' ;' The French Revolution' ; 'Nature and the Poet' ; ' The Afflictions of
Margaret' ; To the Skylark' ; The Inner Vision' .
P.B.Shelley : To Skylark' ; 'Ode to the Westwind' ; 'Love's Philosophy' ; The Poet's
Dream' ; 'Ozymandias' ; The Flight of Love'.
John Keats : 'Ode to a Nightingale' ; 'Ode to Autumn' ; The Human Seasons' ; The
Realm of Fancy'.
Unit 3
Alfred Lord Tennyson : 'Ulysses' ; The Lotus Eaters' ; 'Now Sleeps the Crimson
Petal' ; The Eagle'.
Robert Browning : ' The Last Ride Together' : ' My Last Duchess' ;' Confessions' ;
The Flower's Name'.
Matthew Arnold : 'Dover Beach ;'The Last Word' ; To Marguerite'.
Unit 4
G.M.Hopkins : ' The Windhover' ; 'Pied Beauty' ; 'God's Grandeur'.
W.B.Yeats : 'Sailing to Byzantium ' : 'The Second Coming' ; The Wild Swans at
Coole' .
T.S.EHot : The Wasteland; 'Lovesong of J.Alfred Prufrock'.
W.H.Auden : Warm are the still and lovely miles ; ' Lay your sleeping head, my love';
'September 1939'
Sylvia Plath : 'Cut' ; You're' ; 'Edge' [ from Ariel ].
Unit 5
One question with internal choice on the socio-cultural and literary background of the genre.
Recommended Readings
M.H.Abrams : The English Romantics
Graham Hough : The Romantic Poets
Boris Ford [General Editor]: Pelican Guide to English Literature, Vol. 5 From Blake to
G.S Frazer ; The Modern Writer and His World, Penguin Books, London . 1965
Shiv K. Kumar : British Victorian Literature. Atlantic Publishers, New Delhi . 2004
MAE-Y 240-1
Paper IV [A]
Indian English Literature
Unit l
Passages for explanation with reference to the context from unit 2 only
Unit 2
Rabindranath Tagore : Following selected verses from Geetanjali
Sarojini Naidu : ' To My Fairy Fancies' ; 'If You Call Me' ; 'The Pardah Nasheen ' ;
'The Soul's Prayer' ; 'Summer Woods' : 'Palanquin Bearers'.
Nissim Ezekiel : : Enterprise ' ; 'The Visitor' ; 'Marriage' ; 'The Night of Scorpion1.
A.K.Ramanujan : 'A River' ; 'The Striders' ; 'Self-portrait'.
KamalaDas : ' An Introduction' ; 'in Love' ; 'Dance of Eunuchs'; The Fancy Dress
Unit 3
Muik Raj Anand : The Coolie R.K.Narayan : The Guide Anita Desai : The Fire on the Mountain Attia Ffosain : Sunlight on a Broken Column
Unit 4
Mahesh Dattani : Tara Girsh Karnad : Tughlaq
Unit 5
General question with internal choice on the historical and social background of the
Recommended Readings
K.R.Srinivas lyengar : Indian Writing in English, Asia Publishing House, Bombay ,
David Me Cutchion : Critical Essays on Indian Writing in English, Writer's Workshop,
M.K.Naik Jed] : Perspective on Indian Poetry in English, Abhinav Publications, 1984
M.K.Naik [ed] : Critical Essays on Indian Writing in English, 177
MAE-Y 240-2
Paper IV [B]
Post-Colonial Literature
Unit l
V.S.Naipaul :A Bend in the River Chinua Achebe : Things Fall Apart Amitav Ghosh :The Shadow Lines Salman Rushdie : Shame
Unit 2
Wole Soyinka : A Dance of the Forests Derek Walcott : Henric Christophe Mahesh Dattani : The Final Solutions
Unit 3
Derek Walcott : 'Names' ; 'A far cry from Africa ' ; The Sea is History'
Edward Brathwaite " 'Wings of a Dove ' ; 'Colombe'
KekiN.Daruwala : The Ghagra in Spate ; Death of A Bird ; 'Rumination'
Unit 4
Edward Said : 'Introduction' to Orietalism
Aijaz Ahmed : ' The Politics of Literary Postcoloniality'
Homi Bhabha : The Other Question'
Arundhati Roy : ' Confronting Empire*
Recommended Readings
William Walsh : Commonwealth Literature, Oxford University Press.
Charles B Larsen : The Emergence of African Fiction, Indian University Press, London
Padrnini Mcmgia : Contemporary Post-colonial Theory , A Reader. OUP. New Delhi ,
Ania Loomba : Colonialism/Postcolonialism, The New Critical Idiom, London . 2001
Unit 5
General question with internal choice on the historical, Soeio-cultural background of the genre.
MAE-Y 240-2
Paper IV [C]
American Literature Unit 1
Passages for Explanation with reference to the context from poems and plays only
Unit 2
Wait Whitman : 'Song of Myself , sections 1-15 ; 'When lilacs last in the churchyard
Robert Frost ; ' The Runaway '; The Road not Taken' ; 'Reluctance' ; 'Fire and Ice ' ;
'Stopping by the Woods on A Snowy Evening'.
Emily Dickinson : '1 heard a fly buzz when f died' ; The soul selects her own society' ;
The last night that she lived ' ; 'A narrow fellow in the grass' ; 'Hope is a thing with
feathers1 ; To my quick ears the leaves conferred'.
Archibald Mac Leish : ' Ars Poetica;' : 'You, Andrew Marvel T
Ezra Pound : ' Canto XIIP
Unit 3
"Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter Mark Twain : Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Stories
Hemingway : The Two-hearted River Henry James : Daisy Miller ' James Baldwin : The Rock pile F. Scott-Fitzgerald : Winter Dream Unit 4 Plays
Arthur Miller ; Death of A Salesman Edward Albee ; Who Is Afraid of Virginia Woolf Tennessee Williams ; The Glass Menagerie
Unit 5
General question with internal choice on the social, cultural and literary background of the genre.
MAE-Y 240-2
Paper IV[D]
Women's Writing
Unit 1
Explanation with reference to the context on the passages selected from the prescribed books
Unit 2
Emily Bronte ; "Love and Friendship,' ; 'Remembrance'.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning : Aurora Leigh Book 11
KamlaDas : 'In Love' ; 'An Introduction'
Imtiaz Dharkar : 'Purdah I, IF; 'Prayer'
Unit 3
Elizabeth Gaskell : Mary Barton Kamala Markandeya : Nectar in A Sieve Bapsi Sidhwa ; Ice Candy Man Arundhati Roy : The God of Small Things
Unit 4
Non-Fictional Prose
Elaine Showalter; 'Towards A Feminist Poetics'
Toril Moi : 'Feminist Literary Criticism '
Virginia Woolf ; A Room of Her Own
Unit 5
One question with internal choice on the social and cultural background of the genre.
Recommended Readings
R. Selden , A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory. Harvester-wheatsheaf,
Hertfordshire, 1989
Sushila Singh, Feminism: Theory, Criticism , Analysis, Pencraft International, Delhi ,
Sharad Rajimwale, Contemporary Literary Criticism, Rama Brothers. New Delhi 2006
Shared Rajimwale, A Handbook of Literary Terms, Concepts and Movements, Sarup and
Sons. New Deli 2005
Bijay KR. Das , Twentieth Century Criticism, Atlantic Publishers, New Delhi , 2004